On May 13th my yearly walking journey begins in Albany, New York at the Albany 2016 – Break Free From Fossil Fuels, an action to block fossil fuel trains and fight for climate justice. From there I’ll head south toward New York City, on foot and by train, arriving in Brooklyn on May 21st.
On last year’s walk (Walking journey 2015), I walked to Vermont and back from Northampton, staying with friends and new-found friends, recording a radio show and listening and sharing stories. I was surprised how many people were inspired by my journey, even though I had no goal other than to enjoy the world and the people I met.
This year I will be adding to that goal, and asking people their thoughts and feelings about climate change as I walk, trying to better understand what’s needed to move the movement forward, helping people come to terms with their feelings and help them find a place to take action that’s not coming from a place of guilt or coercion. I’ll share what I find out with you in radio or video form.
I won’t be carrying camping gear so I’ll be staying with people. I’ve found hosts for each night. I’ll be passing through Hudson, Germantown, Saugerties, Woodstock, Bearsville, High Falls, New Paltz, Marlboro and Beacon. Know anyone I should meet? Or would you like to walk with me for a day? Please be in touch!